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Peacock Wrasse (Symphodus tinca)

Peacock Wrasse is a colorful wrasse species in Gozo’s diverse underwater habitats, showcasing vibrant hues and dynamic behaviors at local Malta diving sites

How to Identify a Peacock Wrasse

Symphodus tinca, commonly known as the Peacock Wrasse, boasts an oval, laterally flattened body with a small, protrusive mouth and strong canine-like teeth. It features distinct cephalic pores on the snout and 6 to 9 lip folds.
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Where are Peacock Wrasse Found?

Peacock Wrasse inhabit rocky reefs adorned with algae, sea-grass meadows, and even brackish waters in lagoons. They prefer depths ranging from 1 to 50 meters, making them a versatile species across coastal environments.

Interesting Facts about Peacock Wrasse

These wrasses exhibit sexual dimorphism in coloration. Females and juveniles sport grey-greenish hues, while mature males dazzle with pale green or green-yellow bodies adorned with red spots and a dark blue head during breeding seasons.

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Where Can I see Peacock Wrasse?

You can observe the vibrant Peacock Wrasse at dive sites like Crocodile Rock on Gozo’s west coast, where they add color and activity to the underwater landscape.

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