Rebreather Corner


Atlantis Gozo: A Home for Rebreather Divers in Malta

Atlantis Dive Centre in Gozo has long been renowned for its commitment to technical diving, catering specifically to rebreather divers with its state-of-the-art facilities and expertise. Located strategically near the Technical Filling Station, Atlantis offers a dedicated area known as the Rebreather Corner, designed to enhance the diving experience for enthusiasts of closed-circuit rebreathers.

What Are They & Why Would I Want to Dive One?

Rebreathers are advanced diving systems that recycle exhaled air, removing carbon dioxide and replenishing oxygen to create a breathing mix suitable for prolonged dives. Unlike traditional scuba gear, rebreathers enable longer bottom times, reduced gas consumption, and minimal bubbles, making them ideal for extended explorations and underwater photography.

Rebreather Corner Features

The newly established Rebreather Corner at Atlantis Gozo is tailored to meet the specific needs of rebreather divers. It features:

  • Specialized Setup: Dedicated space equipped with benches and a small water tap for prepping and maintaining rebreather units.
  • Private Storage: Ample storage area ensuring secure housing for personal diving equipment.
  • Proximity to Services: Conveniently located adjacent to the Technical Filling Station, providing easy access to gases and support facilities.
  • Efficient Loading: Direct access to a drive-out garage minimizes loading distances for jeeps and trucks, optimizing logistical efficiency.

Rebreather Corner CCR diving Centre Gozo Malta

Rebreather Events

Atlantis Gozo actively supports a variety of events catered to rebreather divers, enhancing the diving community’s experience and skills:

  • Wreck Exploration with Heritage Malta: Collaborative events where divers explore historical wrecks under the guidance of Atlantis Dive Centre and Heritage Malta, offering unique insights into maritime history.
  • CCR Events with Divesoft and More: Specialized events focusing on closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) technologies, featuring equipment demonstrations, workshops, and expert insights from leading manufacturers like Divesoft.

Tek Wreck Week Events

As part of its commitment to technical diving excellence, Atlantis Gozo organizes Tek Wreck Week events. These events combine adventurous diving experiences with expert guidance, ensuring safe and rewarding explorations of Gozo’s underwater treasures using advanced diving technologies.

Rebreather Corner Technical diver gas blending
Rebreather Corner Technical diver gas blending

At Atlantis Gozo, the Rebreather Corner represents a dedication as a Technical Dive Centre and to enhancing the technical diving experience, providing a supportive environment for rebreather divers to pursue their underwater passions with confidence and convenience.

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