Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus)


Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in Malta

Thunnus thynnus, the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, roams the Mediterranean and Atlantic, renowned for its immense size and commercial importance. Its distinguishing features and habitat reveal its prominence in marine ecosystems.

Bluefin Tuna Malta Marine Life

How To Identify an Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Recognize the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna by its robust, rhomboidal body, conical head, and large mouth. Its dark blue back, grey underside, and golden shimmering body, along with short pectoral fins, distinguish it from other tunas.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Characteristics

The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna boasts muscular strength and efficient swimming capabilities, aided by a lunate-shaped caudal fin. Unique physiological adaptations include a warm-blooded circulatory system and high oxygen delivery efficiency.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Atlantis Gozo Marine Life Guide

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Habitat and Behavior

Found in both deep and coastal waters, the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna dives deep to hunt small fish and invertebrates. It migrates extensively, spawning in the western Mediterranean and the Gulf of Mexico, a behavior vital to its life cycle.

Interesting Fact About Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna are prized for their exceptional size and strength, reaching over 900 kg. They are highly migratory, with some individuals traveling thousands of miles annually between spawning and feeding grounds.

Diving With Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in Malta

Encounter the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in Malta’s waters, witnessing their powerful swimming and feeding behaviors. Dive deep to observe these majestic giants in their natural habitat, an awe-inspiring experience for marine enthusiasts.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Diving in Gozo Malta
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Diving in Gozo Malta

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