Spotted Berthella Sea Slug


Berthella ocellata Sea Slugs in Gozo

Berthella ocellata, a fascinating sea slug, belongs to the family Pleurobranchidae within the superfamily Pleurobranchoidea. This species is part of the order Pleurobranchomorpha, infraclass Opisthobranchia, subclass Heterobranchia, class Gastropoda, and phylum Mollusca. Commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea, these sea slugs are a delightful sight for divers exploring the waters around Gozo.

Berthella ocellata diving in Gozo Malta
Berthella ocellata diving in Gozo Malta

How To Identify a Berthella ocellata Sea Slug

Identifying Berthella ocellata is straightforward due to its distinctive features. These sea slugs can grow to over 50mm in length and have a domed mantle with a dark brown color. The most notable characteristic is the presence of lightly colored ocelli fringed with white, giving the slug its name. The head veil is broad and a lighter shade of brown compared to the body. The rhinophores are articulate, light brown, and oriented divergently. The mantle is adorned with numerous round bumps, each matching the ocelli and fringed with white circles. The gill, located on the right side of the body between the mantle and the foot, is bipinnate and yellowish with up to 25 lamellae on either side.

Berthella ocellata Characteristics

Berthella ocellata exhibits several distinctive traits:

  • Mantle and Ocelli: The domed mantle with white-fringed ocelli is a key identification feature. These bumps are of varying sizes and can connect with adjacent ocelli.
  • Rhinophores and Head Veil: The rhinophores are light brown and oriented towards the sides, while the head veil is wide and lighter in color.
  • Gills and Foot: The bipinnate gill is yellowish and located on the right side, with the foot capable of emitting defensive acid secretions.
Berthella ocellata Malta Marine Life Guide

Berthella ocellata Habitat and Behavior

Berthella ocellata is typically found in dark underwater environments such as caves, crevices, and under large rocks. These sea slugs prefer relatively shallow depths, making them accessible to divers. They are often found in areas with minimal light, where their unique appearance helps them blend into the surroundings.

Interesting Fact About Berthella ocellata

An interesting fact about Berthella ocellata is its defensive mechanism. The foot of this sea slug can emit acid secretions when threatened, providing an effective deterrent against potential predators. This adaptation highlights the species’ evolutionary strategy for survival in its natural habitat.

Diving With Berthella ocellata in Gozo

Gozo diving offers excellent diving opportunities to search for Nudibranchs like Berthella ocellata in their natural habitat.  Nice Sea Slug diving spots include:

  1. Billingshurst Cave: Located near Reqqa Point on Gozo’s north coast, this cave is a prime location for spotting Berthella ocellata. Divers can explore the cave at a depth of 17m, where these sea slugs are often seen.
  2. Xlendi Bay: Known for its rocky substrates and underwater crevices, this bay provides another excellent habitat for Berthella ocellata.

Diving in these locations allows enthusiasts to experience the unique marine biodiversity of Gozo and observe the fascinating Berthella ocellata in its preferred environment. These dives offer a memorable encounter with one of the Mediterranean’s most intriguing sea slugs.

Berthella ocellata diving in Gozo
Berthella ocellata diving in Gozo

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