Seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus)


Seahorses in Gozo Malta

Seahorses are fascinating marine creatures known for their unique appearance and intriguing behaviors. In Gozo, the Long-Snouted Seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) can occasionally be spotted, making it a delightful find for divers and marine enthusiasts. These delicate creatures add to the rich biodiversity of Gozo’s waters and offer a glimpse into the mysterious world of marine life.

Long Snouted Seahorse diving in Gozo Malta
Long Snouted Seahorse Photo By Maddy diving in Gozo

How To Identify a Seahorse

Identifying a seahorse is relatively straightforward due to its distinct features. The Long-Snouted Seahorse can grow up to 15 cm in length and has a long, narrow snout. The most notable characteristic is the series of fleshy protuberances along the back of the neck, which resemble a ‘mane.’ Their coloration ranges from greenish-yellow to reddish-brown, often mimicking the surrounding vegetation. They are speckled with bluish-white spots and have an angular, knobbly appearance due to the bony tubercles on their body rings.

Long-Snouted Seahorse Characteristics

The Long-Snouted Seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) belongs to the subfamily Hippocampinae, family Syngnathidae, order Syngnathiformes, class Actinopterygii, phylum Chordata, and kingdom Animalia. This species is one of the three seahorse species found in the Mediterranean Sea. They have a unique horse-like appearance with a flexible, well-defined neck and a coronet on their head. Unlike many fish, seahorses swim upright and have prehensile tails, which they use to anchor themselves to stationary objects.

Yellow Seahorse (Hippocampus-guttulatus) Gozo Malta

Long-Snouted Seahorse Habitat and Behavior

Seahorses are typically found in shallow tropical and temperate waters, inhabiting sheltered areas such as seagrass beds, estuaries, coral reefs, and mangroves. In Gozo, they are often seen near seagrass beds and rocky outcrops. Seahorses are poor swimmers and rely on their dorsal fins for propulsion and pectoral fins for steering. They use their prehensile tails to anchor themselves to vegetation or coral. Seahorses feed on small crustaceans, ambushing prey with their long snouts. They are known for their complex mating rituals and the unique role of males in carrying and giving birth to the young.

Interesting Fact About Seahorses

One of the most fascinating aspects of seahorses is their reproductive behavior. Unlike most other animals, male seahorses carry the eggs. The female deposits up to 1,500 eggs into a specialized pouch on the male’s abdomen, where he fertilizes and incubates them. After a gestation period of 9 to 45 days, the male gives birth to fully developed, miniature seahorses. This remarkable adaptation highlights the unique and complex life cycle of seahorses.

Diving With Long-Snouted Seahorses in Gozo

Macro diving in Gozo with Long-Snouted Seahorses can be a magical experience. Although they are not as commonly encountered as other marine species, sightings have been reported, particularly around Mgarr ix-Xini and Ras il-Ħobż (also known as Middle Finger). These sites offer ideal habitats with seagrass beds and rocky formations where seahorses like to hide and hunt. Observing these enchanting creatures in their natural environment is a rare and rewarding experience for divers, contributing to the appreciation and conservation of Gozo’s marine biodiversity.

Photos taken by Fred Vet & Brian Azzopardi

Seahorse Picture By Fred Vet DIving Gozo
Seahorse Picture By Fred Vet Diving Gozo

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