Octopus vulgaris (Common Octopus)


Octopus in Gozo Malta

Gozo’s underwater world is a haven for marine life enthusiasts, and among the fascinating creatures that can be encountered is the Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris). These intelligent and elusive animals add an element of intrigue to any dive, making encounters memorable for divers. Gozo offers an excellent opportunity to observe these remarkable cephalopods in their natural habitat.

Octopus Gozo Marine Life Guide Malta

How To Identify an Octopus?

Identifying a Common Octopus is straightforward due to its distinctive features. They grow up to 25 cm in mantle length, with arms extending up to 1 meter. Their soft bodies can change shape and color, allowing them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Octopuses have large, bulbous heads and eyes, and their eight arms are lined with two rows of suckers, which they use to grasp and manipulate objects.

Common Octopus Characteristics

The Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) belongs to the family Octopodidae, order Octopoda, class Cephalopoda, phylum Mollusca, and kingdom Animalia. These cephalopods are known for their high intelligence, capable of learning and problem-solving. They possess a beak-like mouth, which they use to puncture shells of prey. Octopuses are equipped with specialized cells called chromatophores, allowing them to change color and texture for camouflage.

Common Octopus Gozo
Common Octopus in Gozo

Common Octopus Habitat and Behavior

Common Octopuses are typically found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, including the Mediterranean Sea and East Atlantic. They prefer shallow, rocky coastal waters, often residing no deeper than 200 meters. Octopuses are nocturnal hunters, preying on crabs, crayfish, and bivalve mollusks. They exhibit remarkable behaviors such as using tools, escaping enclosures, and even unscrewing jars to access food.

Interesting Fact About Octopuses

One of the most intriguing facts about octopuses is their ability to learn and solve complex problems. Training experiments have demonstrated that they can distinguish between different shapes, sizes, and orientations of objects. Their intelligence is so advanced that Octopus vulgaris is the only invertebrate animal protected by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 in the UK, highlighting their cognitive abilities.

Diving With Common Octopuses in Gozo

Diving with Common Octopuses in Gozo offers a unique and exciting experience. Although they can be elusive, they are often found around rocky outcrops and coral reefs. Popular dive sites like The Chimney near Dwejra, close to the famous Blue Hole and Azure Window, provide excellent opportunities to encounter these fascinating creatures. Observing an octopus in its natural habitat, whether hunting or camouflaging among rocks, is a highlight for any diver exploring Gozo’s rich marine life.

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