Felimida purpurea (Pink Doris Nudibranch)


Felimida purpurea Nudibranch in Gozo

Felimida purpurea, commonly known as the Purple Doris, is a stunning species of dorid nudibranch. This vibrant marine gastropod mollusc belongs to the genus Felimida, family Chromodorididae, superfamily Doridoidea, order Nudibranchia, class Gastropoda, phylum Mollusca, and kingdom Animalia. This species is prevalent in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa, stretching from the Bay of Biscay to Cape Verde and as far west as the Azores.

Felimida purpurea nudibranch Gozo
Felimida purpurea nudibranch Gozo

How To Identify a Felimida purpurea Nudibranch

Identifying Felimida purpurea is straightforward due to its distinctive and striking appearance. This chromodorid nudibranch features a plain white to pale purple mantle bordered with a line of orange-yellow. Within this yellow margin are noticeable white mantle glands embedded in the tissue. The rhinophores and gills are purple-pink with white tips. The body length of Felimida purpurea varies between 35 mm and 50 mm.

Felimida purpurea Characteristics

Felimida purpurea is characterized by its unique coloration and structure. The mantle is predominantly white or pale purple with an orange-yellow edge, and it contains irregularly shaped whitish glands visible through the transparent tissue. The rhinophores are crimson or purple with about 20 tightly set lamellae and a white apex. The gills, consisting of up to 17 branches in large specimens, are also purple with white tips. The foot extends well beyond the mantle border, with a yellow line running along its edge from the central area to the tail.

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Felimida purpurea Habitat and Behavior

Felimida purpurea typically inhabits rocky infralittoral zones, often found under stones or on coralline sponges. It feeds on various sponge species, including Phorbas tenacior and Spongionella pulchella. This nudibranch is commonly encountered in its habitat, making it a frequent sight for divers exploring rocky underwater landscapes.

Interesting Fact About Felimida purpurea

An interesting fact about Felimida purpurea is its taxonomic revision. Originally classified under the genus Chromodoris, this species was transferred to the genus Felimida following molecular analysis. This analysis revealed distinct genetic differences among Atlantic species of Chromodorididae, leading to a revised classification that better reflects the evolutionary history of these nudibranchs.

Diving With Felimida purpurea in Gozo

Gozo offers exceptional diving opportunities to observe Felimida purpurea in its natural environment. Notable diving sites where this nudibranch can be spotted include:

  1. Reqqa Point, Gozo’s North Coast – This site is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity and clear waters, making it ideal for spotting Felimida purpurea at depths of around 32 meters.
  2. Blue Hole, Dwejra – A famous diving location with stunning underwater topography and a variety of marine life, where divers can encounter the colorful nudibranch.
  3. Xlendi Bay – With its rocky substrates and abundance of sponges, this area provides a perfect habitat for Felimida purpurea.

Diving in these locations not only offers the chance to see Felimida purpurea but also provides a glimpse into the vibrant diving in Gozo, filled with diverse marine species and stunning seascapes.

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