Felimida krohni (Krohn’s Doris)


Felimida krohni Nudibranch in Gozo

Felimida krohni, commonly known as Krohn’s Doris, is a vibrant species of dorid nudibranch. This marine gastropod mollusc belongs to the family Chromodorididae and is found in the Mediterranean Sea and along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and Africa, ranging from the Bay of Biscay to Cape Verde and extending as far west as the Azores.

Felimida krohni Nudibranch diving in Gozo Malta

How To Identify a Felimida krohni Nudibranch

Identifying Felimida krohni is relatively easy due to its distinctive coloration. This nudibranch features a lilac-pink to pale blue background color with a golden marginal band on the mantle, which is accompanied by large white glands on its inner side. The body also has three distinct white or yellow longitudinal lines. The median line extends anteriorly between the rhinophores, while the lateral lines join behind the gills. These lines can sometimes break into dashes or spots, and additional white spots or speckles may be present between them. The rhinophores and gills are uniformly purple.

Felimida krohni Characteristics

Felimida krohni is characterized by its vibrant colors and distinct markings. The rhinophores are alaminar and semitransparent at the base, with 12 to 15 carmine-colored lamellae at the tip. The gills, numbering five to eight, are carmine or pink and have lamellae on both sides of the spine, alternating between large and small. The body of Felimida krohni can grow up to 28 mm in length, with a white foot margin adding to its striking appearance.

Felimida krohni Sea slugs of Gozo Malta

Felimida krohni Habitat and Behavior

Felimida krohni is typically found on dimly lit rocky walls that host a variety of sciaphilic algae such as Halimeda tuna and Peyssonnelia. It also frequents areas with hydrarians, bryozoans, and sponges. While it has been observed on sponges like Hymeniacidon perlevis and Ircinia, the specific species it feeds on is not yet confirmed. The nudibranch can be found from shallow waters down to depths of 50 meters, including under rocks in the subtidal zone and in seagrass meadows of Posidonia oceanica. Its spawn consists of a flattened spiral containing eggs about 90 microns in diameter.

Interesting Fact About Felimida krohni

An interesting fact about Felimida krohni is its recent taxonomic revision. This species was originally classified under the genus Chromodoris but was moved to the genus Felimida following a molecular analysis that revealed distinct genetic differences among Atlantic species of Chromodorididae. This revision highlighted the evolutionary history and distinct lineage of Felimida krohni, separating it from its previously grouped relatives

Diving With Felimida krohni in Gozo

Gozo diving offers excellent opportunities for divers to observe Felimida krohni in its natural habitat. Notable diving spots include:

  1. Reqqa Point, Gozo’s North Coast – Known for its rich marine biodiversity and clear waters, this site is ideal for spotting Felimida krohni at depths around 25 meters.
  2. Cirkewwa, Malta – A popular diving location with a variety of marine species, where divers can encounter the colorful nudibranch.
  3. Hondoq Bay, Gozo – With its rocky substrates and abundance of algae and sponges, this area provides a perfect habitat for Felimida krohni.

Diving in these locations offers a fantastic opportunity to see and photograph the stunning Felimida krohni, adding a splash of color and excitement to any underwater adventure.

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