Dentex (Common Dentex)

Discover the Common Dentex, a striking marine predator in Malta’s azure waters. Recognized by its robust build, distinctive blue-silver coloration, and formidable teeth, it thrives amidst rocky reefs and rich marine habitats.

Dentex Fish in Malta

Dentex dentex, known as the Common Dentex, thrives in the waters surrounding Malta, belonging to the Sparids family, renowned for its impressive teeth and sleek physique.

Common Dentex Fish Malta Marine Life Guide

How To Identify a Dentex Fish

Identifying a Dentex is straightforward: look for its robust, compressed body covered in large cycloid scales with a distinct blue-silver hue. Its prominent supra-occipital crest and large lateral eyes are notable features.

Dentex Characteristics

The Dentex dentex features a dark blue back with iridescent dots, silvery sides, and a prominent black-blue spot under the pectoral fins. Its jaws are equipped with robust, hook-shaped teeth for seizing prey swiftly.

Dentex Fish ID Malta Marine Life Guide

Dentex Habitat and Behavior

Common in the Mediterranean, Dentex dentex swims swiftly in schools, preying on other fish with remarkable agility. It inhabits open seas and is often found near rocky coasts rich in marine vegetation.

Interesting Fact About Dentex Fish

Dentex are hermaphrodites, with a sophisticated gonad operation regulated by complex hormonal mechanisms. They undergo sexual inversion if hormonal balance is disrupted, a unique trait among marine species.

Diving With Dentex Fish in Malta

Encountering Dentex while diving in Malta is exhilarating. Spot them at depths around reefs and rocky outcrops, where they gracefully navigate the azure waters, showcasing their impressive hunting skills.

The photo of this impressive Common Dentex was captured at a depth of 20 meters at Reqqa Point on Gozo’s north coast by Brian Azzopardi.

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