Coris julis (Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse)


Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse in Gozo

The Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse, Coris julis, is a vibrant and colorful fish commonly found in the coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea, including the beautiful dive sites around Gozo. This species is a favorite among divers due to its striking appearance and interesting behaviors.

Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse Gozo Marine Guide

How To Identify a Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse

Identifying the Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse is straightforward thanks to its vivid coloration. In the Mediterranean Sea, secondary-phase males are typically green, blue, or brown with a white belly, a dark blue spot over the ventral fin, and a bright orange band on the side. Smaller primary-phase females and males are brown with yellowish sides and white bellies. The fish can grow up to 25 cm in length, with all individuals over 18 cm being males.

Rainbow Wrasse Characteristics

Coris julis belongs to the family Labridae, known for their diverse colors and shapes. The Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse is a sequential hermaphrodite, starting life as smaller initial-phase individuals (both females and males) and transitioning into larger secondary-phase males. This species exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism, with marked differences in coloration between phases.

Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse in Gozo

Rainbow Wrasse Habitat and Behavior

The Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse inhabits littoral and inshore coastal waters around rocks and over seagrass beds, typically at depths of 0 to 60 meters, though they can be found as deep as 120 meters. They often form aggregations but can also be seen as solitary individuals. This species feeds on small gastropods, sea urchins, worms, shrimps, isopods, and amphipods. At night or when disturbed, they can bury themselves in the sand.

Interesting Fact About Rainbow Wrasse

A fascinating aspect of the Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse is its role as a cleaner fish when it is young. Smaller individuals are known to clean other fishes, picking off parasites and dead skin. This symbiotic behavior benefits both the wrasse and the fish being cleaned.

Diving With Rainbow Wrasse in Gozo

Diving with Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse in Gozo is a delightful experience. Reqqa Point on Gozo’s north coast is a prime spot to encounter these colorful fish at depths of around 10 meters. Divers can enjoy watching these vibrant wrasses dart among the rocks and seagrass beds, adding a splash of color to the underwater landscape. Whether you’re on a fun dive or a diving course, encountering these beautiful fish is a highlight of diving in Gozo.

The photo of this Mediterranean Rainbow Wrasse was taken at a depth of 10m at Reqqa Point on Gozo’s north coast.

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