European Conger Eel

The European Conger (Conger conger), also known as the Conger Eel, is a fascinating marine species recognized as the largest eel in the world and can be ssen diving in Malta

European Conger Eel Characteristics

European Congers typically reach an average length of 1.5 meters, but they can grow up to 3 meters and weigh as much as 110 kilograms, making them the largest eels by weight. Females are generally larger than males, reaching sexual maturity at around 2 meters, while males mature at about 1.2 meters. These eels have a long, scaleless body, usually grey or blackish in color, with a white belly. A row of small white spots runs along their lateral line. Their head is almost conical, with a rounded, prominent snout and lateral olfactory holes. They possess large gill openings, conical teeth arranged in rows, and continuous dorsal and anal fins with a caudal fin. Pectoral fins are present, but ventral fins are absent.

European Conger Eel Marine Life guide

Habitat and Behavior

Conger Eels inhabit rocky environments and holes known as ‘eel pits,’ often sharing these spaces with moray eels. They are nocturnal predators, coming out at night to hunt for fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. They are also known to scavenge on dead and rotting fish. Their depth range varies significantly, from shallow coastal waters to depths of 500 meters, and even as deep as 3600 meters during migrations. Juveniles stay closer to the coast, while adults move to deeper waters.

Reproductive Cycle

Between the ages of 5 and 15, European Congers undergo significant physiological changes as they prepare for reproduction. Their reproductive organs enlarge, the skeleton becomes less dense, and they lose their teeth. At this stage, they cease feeding and embark on a long migration to subtropical areas of the Atlantic, such as the Sargasso Sea. Here, they spawn, with females releasing 3 to 8 million eggs. The larvae then make the journey back to European waters, where they grow and mature, continuing the cycle.

European Conger Eel Marine Life

Diving and Observations in Malta

Malta’s waters, particularly around Gozo’s north coast, provide excellent opportunities to observe European Conger Eels. Notable dive sites like Reqqa Point and Billingshurst Cave offer glimpses of these majestic creatures. At Reqqa Point, they can be found at depths as shallow as 5 meters, while in Billingshurst Cave, divers can spot them at around 25 meters.

The European Conger Eel is a remarkable example of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean and Atlantic waters. Its impressive size, unique behavior, and fascinating life cycle make it a subject of interest for marine biologists and underwater enthusiasts alike. Exploring their habitats and observing these eels in their natural environment provides a deeper appreciation for the complexities of marine ecosystems.

Conger Eel closeup Gozo Malta
Conger Eel closeup Gozo Malta

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