Bluespotted Cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii)

The Bluespotted Cornetfish is a unique, long-bodied fish found in Maltese waters, known for its tubular snout and vibrant stripes. It thrives in reefs and showcases fascinating solitary hunting behaviors.

Bluespotted Cornetfish in Malta

Fistularia commersonii, commonly known as the Bluespotted Cornetfish, has recently made its home in Maltese waters. Originally native to the Indo-Pacific, this unique species has spread into the Mediterranean, establishing itself as a notable presence for divers and marine enthusiasts.

Bluespotted Cornetfish Diving Gozo Malta

Bluespotted Cornetfish Identification

The Bluespotted Cornetfish is easily identifiable by its long, slender body that can reach up to 1.6 meters, though it typically averages around 1 meter. Key characteristics include:

  • Tubular Snout: A long, tube-like snout that is distinctive and easily recognizable.
  • Large Eyes: Prominent eyes that aid in hunting.
  • Long Tail Filament: A unique tail with sensory pores to detect prey.
  • Coloration: Its body is green-grey to brown, with two thin blue stripes or lines of dots along the back, and a pattern that changes to broad bands at night.

Bluespotted Cornetfish Characteristics

The Bluespotted Cornetfish, also known as the Smooth Cornetfish or Smooth Flutemouth, is a slender, reef-dwelling fish. It belongs to the family Fistulariidae and shares its order, Syngnathiformes, with pipefishes and seahorses. Its elongated body, tubular snout, and unique coloration make it a fascinating species to observe.

Bluespotted Cornetfish
Bluespotted Cornetfish

Bluespotted Cornetfish Habitat and Behavior

This species thrives in tropical and subtropical waters, originally from the Indo-Pacific region. The Bluespotted Cornetfish has adapted well to the Mediterranean, often found around reefs and coastal areas. It is a solitary predator, feeding on small fishes, crustaceans, and squid. Occasionally, it hunts in small groups along the ocean floor. Reproduction is oviparous, with large eggs that hatch and develop outside the body.

Interesting Fact About Bluespotted Cornetfish

The Bluespotted Cornetfish’s migration to the Mediterranean is an example of the Lessepsian migration, where marine species from the Red Sea entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. Interestingly, all Bluespotted Cornetfish in the Mediterranean are believed to have descended from a small number of ancestors, suggesting a single invasion event and a lower genetic diversity compared to their Red Sea relatives.

Diving With Bluespotted Cornetfish in Malta

Diving in Malta offers the exciting opportunity to encounter the Bluespotted Cornetfish. These fish are often found around reefs and coastal areas, with sightings recorded as early as 2003 off the Maltese Islands. They are particularly fascinating to observe due to their unique body shape and behavior. A notable sighting was captured at a depth of 10 meters at Mġarr Ix-Xini on Gozo’s south coast, highlighting the rich marine biodiversity that Maltese waters have to offer.

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