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Tricolor Doris (Felimare tricolor) Nudibranch


Felimare tricolor Nudibranchs in Gozo

Felimare tricolor, also known as Hypselodoris tricolor or Hypselodoris midatlantica, is a vibrant species of sea slug. This dorid nudibranch belongs to the family Chromodorididae, within the superfamily Doridoidea, class Gastropoda, and phylum Mollusca. Found in the Western Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic Ocean, Felimare tricolor is a fascinating creature to observe, especially in the waters around Gozo.

Felimare tricolor Nudibranchs Gozo
Felimare tricolor Nudibranchs Gozo

How To Identify a Felimare tricolor Nudibranch

Identifying a Felimare tricolor nudibranch is relatively straightforward due to its distinctive coloration and patterns. The body of this nudibranch is predominantly blue, adorned with white-to-orange longitudinal lines running along its length. A single central white-orange line runs down the upper dorsum. The gills and rhinophores are black, creating a striking contrast against the blue body. Individual variations in color and pattern may occur, but these key features make Felimare tricolor easily recognizable.

Felimare tricolor Characteristics

Felimare tricolor exhibits several notable characteristics:

  • Coloration: Blue body with white-to-orange longitudinal lines and a central white-orange dorsal line.
  • Gills and Rhinophores: Both are black, adding to the distinct appearance.
  • Size: This species can reach a total length of at least 25 mm.
  • Feeding: It has been observed feeding on sponges from the genus Dysidea.
Felimare tricolor Nudibranchs Malta Marine Life

Felimare tricolor Habitat and Behavior

Felimare tricolor prefers sublittoral zones with rocky substrates. This nudibranch can be found in various locations within its range, from the Western Mediterranean to the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. In Gozo, they are often spotted on hard surfaces and are typically solitary or found in small groups. Their primary diet consists of sponges from the genus Dysidea, which they graze upon.

Interesting Fact About Felimare tricolor

An interesting fact about Felimare tricolor is its varied coloration among individuals. While the general pattern of blue with white-to-orange lines and black gills and rhinophores is consistent, the exact shade and intensity of the colors can vary. This variation is thought to be influenced by the nudibranchs’ diet and environmental factors, making each individual uniquely beautiful.

Diving With tricolor doris Nudibranch in Gozo

Macro Diving in Gozo provides an excellent opportunity to observe Felimare tricolor in its natural habitat. Prime diving locations include:

  1. Reqqa Point: Located on Gozo’s north coast, Reqqa Point is a hotspot for marine life, including the Felimare tricolor. The rocky substrates here provide an ideal environment for these nudibranchs.
  2. Xlendi Bay: Known for its diverse underwater landscapes, Xlendi Bay offers another fantastic site for spotting Felimare tricolor.

Exploring these dive sites allows divers to witness the stunning colors and behaviors of Felimare tricolor up close, contributing to a deeper appreciation of Gozo’s rich marine biodiversity.

Felimare tricolor Nudibranchs Gozo Sea Slugs
Felimare tricolor Nudibranchs Gozo Sea Slugs

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