Orange Star Coral (Astroides calycularis)

Dive in Gozo and encounter a variety of stunning coral species, including the unique Orange Star Coral.

Star Coral in Gozo

Star Coral, scientifically known as Astroides calycularis, is a striking encrusting coral with a bright orange hue. Native to the Mediterranean Sea, it is commonly found in shallow rocky habitats and is renowned for its vibrant appearance and ecological significance.

Orange Coral polyps Astroides calycularis

How To Identify a Star Coral

Identifying Star Coral is quite straightforward due to its distinctive features. This coral forms rounded encrusting colonies on rocks, cavities, and cave entrances, starting from depths of 1 meter up to 50 meters. The polyps have a smooth cup and numerous retractile tentacles, giving them a unique, star-like appearance.

Astroides calycularis Characteristics

Astroides calycularis, a member of the Dendrophylliidae family, is a colonial coral consisting of groups of polyps. The colonies can reach diameters of 25 to 30 cm and heights of about 10 cm. The polyps are typically yellow or orange, with fringes of short tentacles surrounding their slit-shaped mouths. The coral grows through asexual reproduction, with new polyps budding off from existing ones.

Orange Coral Marine Life Guide Malta

Interesting Fact About Star Corals

Star Coral is an azooxanthellate species, meaning it does not contain symbiotic dinoflagellates within its tissues, unlike many other coral species. This coral is also nocturnal, with its polyps retracting during the day and expanding at night to feed on zooplankton, small fish, and possibly bacteria

Dive With Star Corals in Gozo

Diving at Reqqa Point on Gozo’s north coast offers an excellent opportunity to observe Star Coral in its natural habitat. This site is not only home to the stunning Star Coral but also a variety of marine life, including the colorful Parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense). Witness the vibrant underwater ecosystem and marvel at the beauty of Gozo’s coral reefs.

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