Rough Skate (Raja radula)

The Rough Skate, Raja radula, is a unique and ancient marine species often encountered by divers in Gozo’s rich underwater landscapes. Its distinctive features and behaviors make it a highlight of local dive sites.

How to Identify a Rough Skate?

The Rough Skate is a medium-sized skate with a somewhat rounded kite-shaped disc. The disc width is approximately 1.2 times its length. It has a short snout with a broadly rounded anterior angle and a slightly protruding tip. The snout length is about 2.3 times the interorbital space, and the eyes are small. The anterior margins of the pectoral fins are mostly straight, except at the rounded tip, and the pectoral apices are narrowly rounded. The disc is covered in small prickly denticles, and there are 3-4 small nuchal thorns, with 22-28 thorns on the midline from nape to tail. Additionally, there is a row of small lateral thorns along the sides of the tail. The pelvic fins are relatively large and weakly notched, with the anterior pelvic lobe being much shorter than the posterior lobe. The tail is narrow and relatively long, and the dorsal fins are well separated with rounded margins, usually featuring 2 interdorsal thorns.

Mediterranean Rough Skate in the waters of Gozo

Where are Rough Skates Found?

Rough Skates are found throughout the Mediterranean Sea, primarily in the western part. They inhabit coastal waters and can be found at depths of up to 300 meters. They prefer sandy or muddy bottoms, making them well-suited to the diverse underwater topography of Gozo.

Interesting Facts about Rough Skates

Rough Skates have a fossil record dating back to the Upper Cretaceous period, indicating their ancient and well-adapted nature. They are oviparous, laying paired eggs throughout the year, mainly in spring and summer. Each egg-case, known as a mermaid’s purse, measures 5.1 to 5.7 cm and contains embryos that develop over approximately four months. Females reach maturity at 34 cm, while males mature at 30 cm, with a maximum length of 70 cm. The species is listed as endangered due to its relatively rare occurrence and the high fishing intensity in its habitat, which has led to significant population declines.

What does the Rough Skate Eat?

Rough Skates feed on a variety of bottom-dwelling animals, including small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They hunt along the seabed, using their flat bodies to blend in with their surroundings and ambush prey.

Rough Skate Raja radula Malta Marine Life

Who are the Predators of the Rough Skate?

As bottom-dwellers, Rough Skates are preyed upon by larger fish species and marine mammals that share their coastal and deep-sea environments.

Where Can I See Rough Skates?

Rough Skates can be observed in various dive sites around Gozo. A prime location is Mgarr ix-Xini on Gozo’s south coast, where they are frequently spotted at depths of around 10 meters. Other excellent dive sites with sandy bottoms where Rough Skates can be found include Xlendi Bay and Marsalforn Bay. These locations provide divers with the opportunity to witness these fascinating creatures amidst the diverse marine ecosystem.

Embark on a dive adventure in Gozo to experience the wonders of the Mediterranean’s underwater world and discover the intriguing Rough Skate in its natural habitat.

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