Regal Doris Nudibranch (Felimare picta)

Discover the stunning Regal Doris Nudibranch (Felimare picta), a colorful sea slug that enchants divers in Gozo Malta

How to Identify a Regal Doris Nudibranch?

Felimare picta is one of the most attractive nudibranchs, characterized by its elegant color pattern of yellow lines and elliptical markings against a dark blue, sometimes almost black, background. It can grow up to 13 cm (about 5.1 inches), making it one of the largest nudibranch species in the Mediterranean Sea. The gills, visible as a set of feather-like projections on the back, add to its distinctive appearance. These nudibranchs start life with a dark blue or almost black body color, acquiring yellow lines and spots as they grow, which makes each individual unique.

Regal Doris Felimare picta Seaslug in Gozo

Where are Regal Doris Nudibranchs Found?

Felimare picta is commonly found offshore along the coast of Gozo and the Maltese islands. These sea slugs prefer rocky substrates and are often spotted by divers exploring the rich underwater landscapes of the region. Their presence in these waters highlights the biodiversity and ecological richness of the Maltese archipelago.

Interesting Facts about Regal Doris Nudibranchs

One of the most fascinating aspects of Felimare picta is its complex and changing coloration. As they grow, their yellow lines and spots change, making each nudibranch unique in its own way. The egg mass of this species is orange, measuring about 25 mm (about an inch), and forms a gossamer-like structure embedded in a gelatinous support matrix. Additionally, these nudibranchs are hermaphrodites, possessing both male and female reproductive organs, allowing them to mate with any adult they encounter.

What Does the Regal Doris Nudibranch Eat?

The diet of Felimare picta primarily consists of sponges, especially those from the Dysidea genus. Consuming these sponges provides the nudibranch with special toxins, which they store in their bodies. These toxins make them unpalatable to predators, serving as a chemical defense mechanism. Their bright colors are a warning to potential predators, signaling that they are not tasty.

Regal Doris Nudibranch Felimare picta at Inland Sea Gozo

Who is the Predator of the Regal Doris Nudibranch?

Thanks to the toxins they accumulate from their sponge diet, Felimare picta has few natural predators. The chemical defense provided by these toxins effectively deters most marine animals from preying on them. This adaptation allows them to thrive in their natural habitats with minimal threat from other marine species.

Where Can I See Regal Doris Nudibranchs?

Divers can encounter the Regal Doris Nudibranch in various dive sites around Gozo. These vibrant sea slugs are often seen hiding among rocks and reefs. Popular diving spots where they can be observed include the Blue Hole in Gozo and the nearby Inland Sea as well as Fungus Rock, all known for their rich marine biodiversity and stunning underwater scenery. Exploring these dive sites offers a chance to witness the beauty and uniqueness of Felimare picta in its natural environment.

In summary, the Regal Doris Nudibranch is a captivating marine creature that adds to the allure of Gozo’s diving. Its striking appearance, unique life cycle, and fascinating behaviors make it a favorite among divers and marine enthusiasts. Protecting these nudibranchs and their habitats is crucial for preserving the delicate balance of our marine ecosystems.

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